Monday, January 12, 2015

Fully Distributed Hadoop Cluster - Automatic Failover HA Cluster with Zookeeper & QJM

After configuring an automatic failover HA with ZooKeeper and NFS, we will now configure an automatic failover HA with ZooKeeper and QJM.
We will use the Quorum Journal Manager to share edit logs between active and standby namenodes. Any namespace modification done by active namenode is recorded by the journal nodes. These journal node daemons can be run alongside any other daemons like namenode or jobtracker. It is important to note that it is highly recommended to use three journal nodes, so that the edit log information is written to majority of machines.

Setup Summary

The below table describes my setup.

  Role         Hostname   IP-Address
namenode1/     ha-nn01
namenode2/     ha-nn02
namenode3/     ha-nn03
datanode1      ha-dn01
datanode2      ha-dn02
client         ha-client

According to the above table, I have three namenodes which will be concurrently running journal-nodes too. And two datanodes with one client machine.

Download the below packages and place them in all nodes.
Download Apache Hadoop 2.6 here.
Download Oracle JDK 8 here.

Note: Before moving directly towards the installation and configuration part, read the pre-checks listed below.
1. Disable firewall on all nodes.
2. Disable selinux on all nodes.
3. Update the hostname and their repective ip-addresses of all nodes in /etc/hosts file on all nodes.
4. It is recommended to use Oracle JDK.


Hadoop installation & configuration includes user settings, java installation, passwordless ssh configuration and lastly, hadoop installation and configuration.

User & Group Settings

Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client

First we will create a group named 'hadoop'. Next we create a user 'huser' to perform all hadoop administrative tasks and setup a password for it.

# groupadd hadoop
# useradd -m -d /home/huser -g hadoop huser
# passwd huser

Note: Henceforth we will be using the newly created 'huser' user to perform all hadoop tasks.

Java Installation

Locationha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client

To install java, you can refer the blog here.

Passwordless SSH Configuration

Passwordless ssh environment is needed by the namenode to start HDFS & MapReduce related daemons in all nodes.

Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03

huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ huser@ha-nn01
huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ huser@ha-nn02
huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ huser@ha-nn03
huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ huser@ha-dn01 
huser@ha-nn01:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ huser@ha-dn02

Testing Passwordless SSH
Run the below commands from ha-nn01, ha-nn02 & ha-nn03 to test passwordless logins.
huser:~$ ssh ha-nn01
huser:~$ ssh ha-nn02
huser:~$ ssh ha-nn03
huser:~$ ssh ha-dn01
huser:~$ ssh ha-dn01

ZooKeeper Installation
Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03

For zookeeper quorum installation and configuration, you can refer the blog here.

Note: Zookeeper installation and configuration needs to be done only on all namenodes.

Hadoop Installation

We will be installing lastest stable release of Apache Hadoop 2.6.0.

Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client

We will first place the downloaded tarball in /opt directory, untar it and change the ownership of that directory to 'huser' user.

root:~# cd /opt
root:~# tar -xzvf hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz
root:~# chown -R huser:hadoop hadoop-2.6.0/

Next we will login as 'huser' user and set the environment variables in .bashrc file.

huser:~$ vi ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin


After making necessary changes to the .bashrc file activate the configured environment settings for 'huser' user by running the below command.
huser:~$ exec bash

Testing Hadoop Installation
Execute the below command to test the successful hadoop installation. It should produce .
huser:~$ hadoop version
Hadoop 2.6.0
Subversion -r e3496499ecb8d220fba99dc5ed4c99c8f9e33bb1
Compiled by jenkins on 2014-11-13T21:10Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum 18e43357c8f927c0695f1e9522859d6a

This command was run using /opt/hadoop-2.6.0/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.6.0.jar

Note: Installation of hadoop has to be done on all nodes.

Hadoop Configuration

There are a couple of files that need to be configured to make hadoop with automatic failover cluster with QJM up and running. All our configuration files reside in /opt/hadoop-2.6.0/etc/hadoop/ directory.
Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client

huser:~$ vi /opt/hadoop-2.6.0/etc/hadoop/

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_25
export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hadoop/

Create a directory for logs as specified in file with required 'huser' user permissions.

root:~# mkdir /var/log/hadoop
root:~# chown -R huser:hadoop /var/log/hadoop

Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client

huser:~$ vi /opt/hadoop-2.6.0/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml


Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03, ha-dn01, ha-dn02, ha-client


1. Replication factor is set to '2' as I have only two datanodes.

2. Create a directory /hdfs/name in all namenodes with required 'huser' user permissions.
root:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/name
root:~# chown -R huser:hadoop /hdfs/name

3. Create a directory /hdfs/data in all datanodes with required 'huser' user permissions.
root:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/data
root:~# chown -R huser:hadoop /hdfs/data

4. Create a directory /hdfs/journalnode in all namenodes with required 'huser' user permissions.
root:~# mkdir /hdfs/journalnode
root:~# chown -R huser:hadoop /hdfs/journalnode

4. In ha-client host add the below property to hdfs-site.xml file.

6. We can explicitly enable automatic-failover for the nameservice-id 'auto-ha' by setting the property '' to 'true'.

This file contains only the hostnames of datanodes.

Location: ha-nn01, ha-nn02, ha-nn03

huser:~$ vi /opt/hadoop2.6.0/etc/hadoop/slaves


Finally after completing the configuration part, we will be initializing and starting our automatic-failover hadoop cluster.

Initializing HA state in ZooKeeper

Zookeeper needs to initialize the required state by running the below command from any one of the namenodes.

Location: ha-nn01

huser@ha-nn01:~$ hdfs zkfc -formatZK

Starting Journal Nodes

In case of Quorum Journal Manager mechanism to share edit logs, we need to start journalnode daemons on all namenodes.
huser@ha-nn01:~$ start journalnode

Formatting & Starting Namenodes

Both the namenodes need to be formatted to start HDFS filesystem.

Location: ha-nn01

huser@ha-nn01:~$ hadoop namenode -format
huser@ha-nn01:~$ start namenode

Location: ha-nn02

huser@ha-nn02:~$ hadoop namenode -bootstrapStandby
huser@ha-nn02:~$ start namenode

Note: By default both the namenodes will be in 'standby' state.

Starting ZKFC Services

Zookeeper Failover Controller service needs to be started in order to make any one namenode as 'active'. Run the below command on both namenodes.

huser@ha-nn01:~$ start zkfc
huser@ha-nn02:~$ start zkfc

Note: As soon as the zkfc service is started you can see that one of the namenode is in active state using below command from any one of the namenodes.
huser@ha-nn01:~$ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn01
huser@ha-nn01:~$ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn02

Starting Datanodes

To start the datanodes run the below mentioned command from any one of the namenodes.
huser@ha-nn01:~$ start datanode

Verifying Automatic Failover

To verify the automatic failover, we need to locate the active namenode using command line or by visiting the namenode web interfaces.

Using command line
huser@ha-nn01:~$ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn01
huser@ha-nn01:~$ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn02

Using web interface

After locating the active namenode, we can cause a failure on that node to initiate a failover automatically. One can fail the active namenode by running 'jps' command and kill the namenode daemon by determining it's pid. Within a few seconds the other namenode will automatically become active.

Related Links

Fully Distributed Hadoop Cluster - Automatic Failover HA Cluster with ZooKeeper & NFS


  1. Hi,

    I am trying to setup a HA Hadoop cluster following your blog but facing some difficulties. Details are here. -

    Could you please help me?


  2. Hi,

    I am trying to follow your tutorial, but I have some problems.
    Here you can see my problem:

    Could you help me?
    I am new to hdfs and I don't know where is the problem.

    Best regards,

  3. Hi,

    As per your configuration, my namenode status is active but it shows live nodes count 0 .
    My cluster info:
    total 4 machines.
    2 Namenodes.
    1 for NFS.
    1 for datanode.

    My slaves entry is the my machine name for data node.

    Datanode log info: 2016-01-15 17:16:40,920 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: STARTUP_MSG:
    STARTUP_MSG: Starting DataNode
    STARTUP_MSG: host = datanode1/192.x.x.117
    STARTUP_MSG: args = []
    STARTUP_MSG: version = 2.6.0

    please help me, how to start datanode.

    1. check your iptables entry once, if on then please make it off and make sure you have the entries in hdfs-site.xml right and directories structure created properly.

  4. very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.

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