are times when we
need to know the package that contains
the particular file. Cases like
while compiling we need to
install a given library
and we don't know
which package to install.
Well in that case
we can’t install the
library as it is
contained in the package
itself. So there the
task seems impossible though
that it is not
quite so.
We will start with
Ubuntu, where we have
to get a package
called apt-file from internet.
Follow the below mentioned
steps to do so.
$ sudo apt-get install
the package has been
downloaded and installed, we
need to update it.
$ sudo apt-file update
is it in Ubuntu and
now we can go
ahead and search for
a particular package.
$ sudo apt-file
search <file name>
For RedHat
& Fedora distros
$ rpm -qf <file
In Solaris
$ grep -i <file name> /var/sadm/install/contents
Useful tip...
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